Queen of Apostles School
108 Tribute Street East
Riverton WA 6148

Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Queen of Apostles School. I hope you enjoy navigating through the various pages and gaining a small insight into the rich and diverse range of teaching and learning experiences and adventures that our staff, students and parents are engaged in.

Queen of Apostles is a Catholic, co-educational primary school catering for children from Pre - Kindergarten through to Year 6. We currently have a student population of just over 260 and a staff of 30 full-time and part-time dedicated professionals.

Our school is focused on providing a high-quality educational environment where our students are encouraged, supported and challenged to achieve their best and strive for excellence. This occurs within a caring, nurturing and supportive atmosphere based on our Catholic values and traditions. We are very much intent on developing the ‘whole child’ so that they may discover their talents and abilities and develop these to their potential.

Our school enjoys an outstanding level of support and engagement from our parents and carers, evidenced by the ‘family-orientated feel’ that many parents comment positively upon. We enjoy fantastic support and input from our Parents and Friends Association and also from our School Advisory Council.

Please do not hesitate to contact our Administration Officer, Mrs Kathy Duncanson, should you wish to receive an Enrolment Application Pack, or to schedule an Enrolment Interview and tour of the school.

Peace and best wishes,
Mark Ryan
